Today, the sequel makes its presence known: Ripped Genes.
Ripped Genes will be at a special launch price of 99c/(77p approx) for the ebook version, until end of May.
The descriptive blurb holds a spoiler for those who have not read the first book. If you would like to read, Ripper, My Love, first, then contact Glynis at: glynissmy at outlook dot com, and put FREE BOOK PLEASE in the subject line. You will be sent a code for Smashwords, where you can download a copy in any format you please. This offer will finish at the end of May, so spread the word.

Growing up in late nineteenth century East London, Kitty Harper’s life is filled with danger and death – from her mother, her beloved neighbour and the working women of the streets ... Read more.
In June 2013, Glynis returns to her hometown,Harwich, Essex,in the UK, where she will gain inspiration for her next novel, The Man in Room Eighteen.
Find Glynis on:
Twitter: @ghunibee
Glynis also runs a site where she showcases, (not reviews), books for authors. It is free of charge, with no catch: New Book Blogger (not just for newly published books). She actively encourages self-published authors to submit to the blog.